středa 25. března 2009

Stopy leciv v americkych rekach, ukazal vyzkum ryb u stanic cisteni odpadove vody. A stopy leciv v pitne vode. Hrozba rybam, ale i lidem.

Ryby chycene blizko cisticek vod v peti velkych americkych mestech mely v jatrech stopy leciv, napr proti vysokemu cholesterolu, alergiim, vysokemu tlaku, bipolarni poruse osobnosti a depresi. ( Jak je videt, v kapitalismu lide trpi mnoha chorobami, a lekarske koncerny vydelavaji velke zisky z prodeje nejruznejsich leku, casto predepisovanych ve velkych mnozstvich)

Male laboratorni pokusy ukazaly, ze lidske bunky nerostou, nebo jsou deformovany, pokud vystaveny kombinacim leciv nalezenych v pitne vode.
Vetsina znecistujicich leciv pochazi z nezmetabolizovanych leku z tela lidi, a z vyhozenych nepouzitych leku.

Lide by museli snist stovky tisic ryb, aby tak dostaly ucinne davky leku, avsak stopy leciv ve vode skodi rybam, zabam a ostatnim zivocichum, protoze jsou jim ve vode vystaveny neustale.

Fish caught near wastewater treatment plants serving five major U.S. cities had residues of pharmaceuticals in their livers, including medicines used to treat high cholesterol, allergies, high blood pressure, bipolar disorder and depression.

Limited laboratory studies have shown that human cells failed to grow or took unusual shapes when exposed to combinations of some pharmaceuticals found in drinking water.

In an ongoing investigation, The Associated Press has reported trace concentrations of pharmaceuticals have been detected in drinking water provided to at least 46 million Americans.

Earlier research has confirmed that fish absorb medicines because the rivers they live in are contaminated with traces of drugs that are not removed in sewage treatment plants. Much of the contamination comes from the unmetabolized residues of pharmaceuticals that people have taken and excreted; unused medications dumped down the drain also contribute to the problem.

Trace concentrations of 7 drugs and 2 soap scent chemicals in fish at all 5 of the urban river sites. The amounts varied, but some of the fish had combinations of many of the compounds in their livers.

A person would have to eat hundreds of thousands of fish dinners to get even a single therapeutic dose, but even extremely diluted concentrations of pharmaceutical residues can harm fish, frogs and other aquatic species because of their constant exposure to contaminated water.

Findings from this first nationwide study of human drugs in fish tissue have prompted the Environmental Protection Agency to significantly expand similar ongoing research to more than 150 different locations.

The EPA has called for additional studies about the impact on humans of long-term consumption of minute amounts of medicines in their drinking water, especially in unknown combinations.

neděle 8. března 2009

Znarodnovani bank, Velka Britanie. Vlada da zaruky vymenou za 75% podilu na bance Lloyds.

Zaruky v hodnote 280 miliard Liber Sterlinku na spatne uvery, za rozhodujici podil, jedna z nejvetsich bank VB, zasazene velkou krizi spatnych uveru po padu trhu hypotekami v Usa.

Vse byla bublina, financovana zejmena Cinou, ktera ma penezni rezervy z rozpoctoveho obchodniho prebytku ve vysi 1 bilionu dolaru. Mezi ostatni bohate uspesne asijske zeme s financnimi rezervami patri Japonsko, Tajvan, Jizni Korea a Singapur.